Focus on Politics
"I don't know if I'll be alive to see this interview being telecasted" - Hindu Helpline leader makes shocking revelations
Shafeeq Thamarassery
2018 Aug 10, 02:59 pm
Friday, 10th August 2018, 8:29 pm

Hindu helpline strategically integrates itself into Kerala”s political setting, disguised as an agency working for social welfare. It often takes pride in being labeled as a voluntary group dedicated to make significant social interventions.

A former worker of the Hindu Help line makes shocking revelations to DoolNews about the heinous fanaticism cultivated by this agency, under the guise of social service. He reveals that for Hindu Helpline, voluntary activities are a mere shield and they ultimately aims at creating fissures in the state”s social order and harmony through instigating communal riots. Their vision is to establish a Hindu state, and enforce the political might of the religious majority.

“Akhila Hindu Parishath is planning to launch its Kerala unit very shortly. They have plans to coordinate widespread religious riots in south India soon after this. I cannot keep mum any longer after knowing all these,” he says, expressing his fear that he might not be left alive to see this interview being telecast.

He was introduced to sanghparivar politics through A.B.V.P while he was a college student and later, started working on par with R.S.S and B.J.P as well. He has been in the forefront of the agency along with prominent names like Pratheesh Viswnathan, who leads Hindu Helpline since its inception in the state.

He lashes out at the agency for organizing riots in Kerala instead of being the social service group it claims to be.

DoolNews refrains from publicizing his name and identity, as he is extremely fearful that he might be attacked to death once he reveals the truth he knows.